February 27, 2015

Just ignore it

I have this thing about not blogging unless I have a photo to go with the post. 

Recently, I have been dealing with a full hard drive on my computer. It won't even let me open a photo to view it. 

I have been writing all these blog posts but then they just sit there, unpublished. All because I don't have a photo. And since I don't want to deal with deleting stuff, I end up just ignoring the entire situation by not turning on the computer for weeks. As if ignoring it will make it all go away. 

But then again, I haven't turned on the computer lately to check. Who knows, maybe it's all fixed now.

February 16, 2015

2014: A year in scrapbooking

This post was supposed to be published in January, but as you can see that totally did not happen. And since I know it will bug me if I don't publish this particular year in review post, I am doing it now.

Although I didn't do any traditional scrapbooking this year (again), I did take part in the Index-Card-a-Day challenge. It's like a mini art journal page on an index card. I love doing this challenge and now-a-days it seems to be the only time I get to use my supplies. Here's hoping to a scrappier 2015!

icad 2014 :: Index card a day No. 2

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