August 28, 2018

My week in photos :: Week 11

This week's photos actually include kitty photos. Something that surprisingly has been missing from this blog lately.

Enjoy the cuteness. 🐱


I spy....with my pretty olive eye. 🐱

March 11: I spy....with my pretty olive eye. 🐱

C o n t e n t m e n t 💕

March 11: C o n t e n t m e n t 💕

Zoomies in 3... 2... 1... 🚀

March 11: Zoomies in 3... 2... 1... 🚀


A month later and it is STILL my birthday. 🎉

March 12: A month later and it is STILL my birthday. 🎉 My birthday was in February. This photo was taken in March and the Birthday Banner was still up at work. If the Birthday Banner is still up, then it is still my birthday. Those are the rules. 😉

H U C K L E B E R R Y 💜

March 12: H U C K L E B E R R Y 💜


Off to a slow start on this particular morning. It was only Tuesday and my 2nd day going back to work since my Disney vacation and I was already ready for the weekend. 💤

March 13: Off to a slow start on this particular morning. It was only Tuesday and my 2nd day going back to work since my Disney vacation and I was already ready for the weekend. 💤


One of my favorite coworkers left for greener pastures. She gave us all a parting gift to remember her by. ☕️

March 16: One of my favorite coworkers left for greener pastures. She gave us all a parting gift to remember her by. ☕️ #TheBrit

Frappuccinos for everyone! ❄️ It’s hot outside! 🔥

March 16: Frappuccinos for everyone! ❄️ It’s hot outside! 🔥

August 23, 2018

Disneyland in seconds

One of my favorite apps to use on my phone is the 1 Second Everyday app.

This app was perfect for putting together a short little video of all the video snippets I took while on my trip to Disneyland, earlier this year. You can see said video below.

I have also used the app for the past 2 years to create a yearly video of my daily video snippets and I  am currently working on the video for my 3rd year.

I have pasted my One Second Everyday videos below, in case you want to see them.



I really do enjoy using the 1 Second Everyday app. If you like yearly 365 day type projects, then this app would be perfect for you. I kind of sound like an advertisement, don't I. I have no investment in the app, I just really have fun with the app and want others to have fun with it too.

August 6, 2018

My week in photos :: Week 10 (part two)

On the second day of our trip, we went to Disney California Adventure. We had never been there before and it didn't even exist the last time we were both at Disneyland. I really would like to return some day. I actually enjoyed it much more than Disneyland, even though half of the park was closed for renovation.


Our first time at Disney California Adventure

March 6: Our first time at Disney California Adventure. The last time I was here, California Adventure was still a parking lot. We had just gotten off our first ride of the day, Grizzly River Run (a whitewater rafting ride and my new favorite) and we were SOAKED! Perfect time for a picture. 🐻🌊

Just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman

March 6: Just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman.🕸


March 6: 😎😘

Mickey was busy. He had somewhere he needed to be. 🚂

March 6: Mickey was busy. He had somewhere he needed to be. 🚂

Probably one of my favorite photos from this trip. I was just walking along and snapped the photo on the sly. My phone was at my side and I had no idea what kind of photo I was taking.📱

Yeah. I didn’t ride that. Nope! No way! 😬

March 6: Yeah. I didn’t ride that. Nope! No way! 😬

C A P T A I N   A M E R I C A 💫

March 6: C A P T A I N   A M E R I C A 💫

I absolutely LOVED Cars Land at night! 💕

March 6: I absolutely LOVED Cars Land at night! 💕

Waiting for the World of Color show to start. 🎡

March 6: Waiting for the World of Color show to start. 🎡 We were right up front in the “splash zone.” Which actually wasn’t very “splashy” at all, but people were wearing rain ponchos like a hurricane was coming. 💦

The End.

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