Open Outlook. Create new email.
Dear Boss,
I have been chosen as an alternate juror.
Click Send......
Hello this is the jury commissioner, one of the jurors has been excused and we need to call you back. You need to report tomorrow.
Immediately after clicking send I received the above phone call and of course while I am on this phone call I receive the email response from my boss telling me how happy she was that I was able to work.
I didn't mind being called back. What I did mind is that I knew the other people chosen as alternates had no plans of going back to sit on the jury. I think I was the only one that gave a work number and actually answered the phone. I do know that the first person they tried to call was unavailable as they had "left the state". I find that a bit hard to believe as everyone's schedule was gone over and no one had any vacation plans. I was told to sit tight and that they would try to get in contact with the "out of state" juror.
That was last week. I still have not heard back. I guess I don't have to go back to jury duty after all. Of course now that I have said this I am pretty sure I have jinxed myself.
F.U.N.N.Y. That would sooo be my luck. I sure hope you didn't have to go back. Jury duty is not fun....