April 24, 2018

One Second Everyday 2017

This was my 2017.

Better late than never, right?

Thank you for watching.


  1. I love this so much! What did you use to create your video? This is brilliant <3 Great job, and you had some beautiful moments in 2017 :)

    1. Thank you, mypixieblog.

      I used the 1 Second Everyday app to put it all together and iMovie to add the music.

  2. What a clever video! Kudos for the effort and result. (BTW, I thought I was the only person still getting Netflix DVDs in the mail.)

    1. Thank you, Shybiker. It may not be as excitement filled as some yearly videos that I have seen, but it’s all Me and that’s what counts, right? :-)

      I have been getting Netflix DVDs since they began. I don’t think I will ever stop. :-)

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