March 17, 2011

I've been away

It's been about a week since I have been online or even turned on the computer. I have to say I have quite enjoyed my time away. But I knew it couldn't last. I figured it probably was time for me to check my email, start my next online course and basically see what all I have been missing.

As for around here...

Spring has arrived. Well at least in our front yard. The tree we bought last year started to grow leaves and as of today is surprisingly quite full with tons of tiny leaves. The leaves are a very bright green and so far it is the only tree on our street with new leaves. I think the surprise hard freeze we had in February is to blame. Lots of plants didn't make it.

And for even more excitement....

It's here! Our painting has arrived!

It looks so much better in person. I no longer wonder if I made the right choice. I have to say I really love looking at it. The colors are so amazing and it makes me smile every time I catch a glimpse of it. I had been waiting until I found a painting before deciding on any decorations for our home. Now that the decision has been made I look forward to painting the walls and adding a few accessories here and there.

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