March 31, 2017

One Second Everyday 2016

It only takes a second to remember.

I did something different in 2016. Instead of a daily photo project, I did a 366 daily video project.

I have no videos from my childhood. So, I am starting now. I don't want to forget the things that photos just can't show... Like the way someone or something moves and how they sound. I purposely didn't use any music in the video so that I could preserve that.

In 2016, I adopted 2 kittens so you have been warned. And just like with my photos, be prepared for lots of cats, clouds and sunsets.

And to those humans that appear in the video. Thank you, for being part of my life this past year.

Thank you for watching.


  1. I enjoyed your video, that was a great idea. I am new to your blog, but I feel like I know you better already. Very cute kittens, anyone that loves cats is wonderful in my book :)

    1. That is very sweet of you to say. Thanks for watching, pilch92 15andmeowing.

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