March 24, 2017

Blogging from A to Z 2017: Theme Reveal

I've debated on whether or not I should do the Blogging from A to Z challenge this year. Every year I have this same conversation with myself and every year I end up doing it.

The most fun that I have had with this challenge was during my very first year way back in 2011. Back then I had no theme and just posted about anything.

Over the years, I have found that not having a theme for the challenge is a lot less stressful for me.

So... My theme for this year will be No Theme. I'm just gonna do some A to Z blogging.


  1. Interesting that having no theme makes it easier for you!

    1. scr4pl80 it's weird but having a theme felt like I was doing homework for a research paper.

      Back in 2015 I blogged using the theme The A to Z of My Sonoran Desert. I really did enjoy it, but it took a lot of my time to gather the info and write the posts.

  2. Good luck! I'm sure it will be nice to be so care free.

    1. Thanks MamaWantsHerBooks. I am looking forward to just writing about anything and everything.

  3. As I've said to others, no theme is a theme. I agree that going themeless can provide a lot of flexibility. Have fun with it--that's the main thing.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

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