April 6, 2017

D is for Disqus

Talk to me about Disqus.

Do you use Disqus for comments on your blog?

I have thought about using Disqus, but I always change my mind. It's not like I get a ton of comments, but I wonder if Disqus would just be better/easier than using Blogger's native commenting system. I think I worry most about the comments not being linked to the blog anymore and disappearing if I ever stop using Disqus. I believe that has been an issue in the past. Is it still an issue today?

So, tell  me... What do I need to know?


  1. Personally, I hate Blogger's commenting system. So many bloggers, particularly in the UK, force you to use a Google account to comment using it, which I hate because it doesn't directly link back to my blog. And yet, I'm now so used to it I don't even bother using the name/URL field on blogs like yours, that let me!

    I'm an old-school blogger though. I'll always find a way to comment if I have something to add.

    Lis / last year's girl x

  2. I had to use discus to comment on someone else's blog in the challenge, and found it to be frustrating.

♥ Comments make me Oh so very happy! :-) ♥

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