September 11, 2018

My week in photos :: Week 12

This week was all about the food, apparently. Oh and my absolute favorite, sunsets! ❤️


Nothing like finding out that the Gift Shop is selling donut holes that just happen to be 75% off. (A whole 25 cents per container! 😱) Donut holes for everyone! 🍩

March 19: Nothing like finding out that the Gift Shop is selling donut holes that just happen to be 75% off. (A whole 25 cents per container! 😱) Donut holes for everyone! 🍩

A sunset in March 🌄

March 19: A sunset in March 🌄


Coffee? It’s what’s for breakfast ☕️

March 21: Coffee? It’s what’s for breakfast ☕️

Yes. Yes it is. 😉 #BirthdayDay37

March 21: Yes. Yes it is. 😉 #BirthdayDay37


Cinnamon roll yum 😊

March 22: Cinnamon roll yum 😊


There’s always something to eat at work. ☕️🍩

March 23: There’s always something to eat at work. ☕️🍩


A post shared by Stefani (@dreamsofnyssa) on

1 comment:

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