December 30, 2012


Playing... with my new iPod Touch (thank you Santa) what a difference there is from the 2nd generation to the 5th. I can't believe how crisp everything looks. And the apps! The apps all work! Amazing!

Finishing... quite a few knitting & crochet projects. I have empty needles and waiting yarn. I am itching to start anew with one of the many projects I have been dreaming to make. I just need to decide on which one.

Thinking... about way too many things at the moment. A couple of big deadlines coming up next month and I just can't seem to get them out of my mind.

Wondering... if I will find enough photos for my year in photos post. It might help if I actually started looking instead of just wondering about it.

Wishing... that the Christmas tree could stay up forever.

Oh Christmas tree I wish you could stay up forever.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like a new iToy!
    And if you're willing to change decorations with the seasons and holidays, I guess the tree could stay up all year.

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