October 8, 2010

One can never have enough socks

I have always wanted to try my hand at knitting socks. Some of the yarn colorways are so pretty and the idea of a quick smaller project appeals to me. But one problem I have is that I am super picky when it comes to socks. I can't bear to wear lumpy bumpy socks.

But just maybe if I try really hard I can handle lumpy bumpy socks. Maybe they will not even be lumpy bumpy and I just have a pre-conceived notion when it comes to hand-knitted socks.

So say I get over my lumpy bumpy sock issues. What about stretching? I am worried that the socks will stretch out. Does sock yarn stretch out?

I think the main issue that has kept me from knitting socks is that I would be afraid to wear them. I worry about them getting worn out after spending so much time to make them.

So a question to all of you sock knitting gurus....What do I need to know before I start?

Are they lumpy? Bumpy? Comfortable? Does sock yarn stretch out or does it bounce back? Do they wear out quickly?

Ummmm...sorry, I guess that is more than one question. :-)

photo credits: ashrillcaramel, bergensann, tiennieknits, villapeikko


  1. During my (very brief) wanting to learn to knit phase, I decided I was going to follow the instructions in my copy of Stitch and Bitch and make socks - based, pretty much, on just how gorgeous the pictures were! I suspect that's why I gave up so soon...

  2. I thought lumpy and itchy. I've only knitted gloves I'm afraid.

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