March didn't start out all that well for me.
The last week of February, I took a couple of days off from work. When I got back to work, the network folder that I am supposed to use for all my documents was missing. There was 9-years worth of stuff in that folder, which also included all the manuals I use for my job and the 2 work-lists that I was working on. Calling the help desk every day didn't help as all they are allowed to do is give out ticket numbers. After 2 weeks of hearing nothing from IT and another email to the boss about how I would have to redo 3 months of work, my complaint finally got to the IT director. That day, IT called and another one came to my desk. They confirmed that my folder was indeed missing, deleted from the network. It took another week and an email from me to the IT director to finally hear back from them. It took 3 weeks for them to find my folder on a network backup and get me back to where I could do my job. The backup was a week old so I had to redo a week's worth of work but I am okay with that. I am sure that if it weren't for the IT director getting involved, I would probably still be waiting to hear back from the IT department.
While all of this was going on, some IT contractors were trying to setup a new computer for me. Finally after about a week, the new computer was installed. But it took me showing the IT contractors and the hospital IT department how to open a program from a mapped drive to get my main program to work. I cannot believe that 3 IT guys had no idea what I was talking about when I said the program needed to be opened from a mapped drive. I seriously should have gotten paid!
During this time, I also got sick. Covered in hives from head to toe. I have never had that happen before. I also ended up having my first Emergency Room visit.
Add to all of this the fact that we are currently a one income household and I will tell you I was ready for March to be over.
So, how is March treating you so far?