September 17, 2006

Long day

I am very tired.

I spent my day sitting.

Sitting in the car driving up to see my Uncle at the Mayo Clinic Hospital. Sitting in the waiting room. Sitting in my Uncle’s room. Sitting back in the waiting room. Sitting on the way back home from the hospital. Throw in time stopped to eat breakfast on the way up and dinner on the way back and that makes for a lot of sitting ……and for a long day.

I left my house at 9am. We stopped to pick up some family members and also stopped on the way up to eat. It sure is a long drive but it is all freeway so that makes it better. The traffic was not that bad either and the conversation made the 2+ hours just seem to fly by. I love getting caught up on my family that lives out of town.

The treatment they gave to my Uncle to stop the rejection did not work. In fact now he has pnuemonia and his kidneys started to shut down. He is in ICU. He looked good though and was happy to see us.

In our car – actually we borrowed a van – there were 6 of us. When we got to the hospital there were already 6 other family members sitting in the waiting room and 3 more came later. Lots and lots of visitors.

I must tell you….the nurses at the Mayo Clinic Hospital ICU in Scottsdale are the best ever!!!! They were so nice and really made everyone feel at at ease. We did our best to not have more than 3-4 people in the room at a time but the nurses never said anything. In fact when we were getting ready to leave there were 6 of us in the room saying good-bye. I wish it did not take so long to go and visit. It is hard having the hospital over 2 hours away from home. But they have been taking good care of him and the other night he had a room across the hall from a celebrity (a reporter from 20/20) so he has had people to talk to when family has not been there.

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