August 23, 2018

Disneyland in seconds

One of my favorite apps to use on my phone is the 1 Second Everyday app.

This app was perfect for putting together a short little video of all the video snippets I took while on my trip to Disneyland, earlier this year. You can see said video below.

I have also used the app for the past 2 years to create a yearly video of my daily video snippets and I  am currently working on the video for my 3rd year.

I have pasted my One Second Everyday videos below, in case you want to see them.



I really do enjoy using the 1 Second Everyday app. If you like yearly 365 day type projects, then this app would be perfect for you. I kind of sound like an advertisement, don't I. I have no investment in the app, I just really have fun with the app and want others to have fun with it too.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how fun! I've never heard of this app before but I might need to try it out. Thanks for sharing.


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