I came across this today. I guess I really don't know how I 'feel' about it. I thought at first it was kind of cool. The website is a neat idea. But then I noticed that you could save the photos. Then I found that many people have uploaded these photos into their own Flickr account. The wefeelfine.org website mentions Creative Commons copyright but this picture of mine sure is not and the same is true for quite a few pictures I came across.
I know there are a lot of sites out there that gather pictures from Flickr and all over the web but those usually take you right to the original photo page when you click on them. The website may have a link back to my original photo on their page but it also altered the photo and added their own info. If the photo is downloaded from the site then they have no way of knowing who it originally belonged to. Plus there is a reason I edited the picture the way I did. This just makes me feel totally different about it.
Hmm. On one hand (no pun intended) it is flattering because its a great shot but seriously they should have asked for permission to use it on their site. Just one of the reasons I keep my flickr acct settings to private. I don't want some unknown person grabbing a photo from my set and using it for something. Did you write to them? I think I'd ask that it be taken down especially since they added stuff to it but thats just me.