January 29, 2016

2015: A year in photos

Nothing says procrastination like posting an End of Year post for 2015 at the end of January.

I haven't turned on the computer since my last blog post. That's 42 days ago! Needless to say, blogging has not been the only thing that I have been putting off around here.

2015 was a bit of a blur. But here is what I remember...

January started with snow.

On New Year's Eve 2014 we said goodbye to my Cairo kitty. At midnight, on New Year's day, it snowed. It was a nice little happy moment on an otherwise sad day.


In January, I saw quite a few sunrises. I am not a person that is usually up before the sun. So to catch a sunrise is always a treat. For some reason it makes me feel like a grown up. And there you go, I am a grown woman who doesn't feel like a grown up. Sigh... maybe some day.

Up earlier than the sun

In February, my brother invited us to go Quading. It was fun watching the kids and I fell in love with all that wide open space.

Back in February, my brother invited us to go quading. It was the perfect day for it too. ⛅️
Goodnight, Sun

In March, I went to one of the prettiest weddings that I have ever seen.

A couple of months ago, I attended one of the prettiest weddings that I have ever seen. 💍

I also cut my hair. It was a pretty big deal really. The last time I had cut my hair was back in 2008.

What has this new haircut done to me? There will be pictures of me for days!

In April, the husband and I went to the County Fair and we worked on our Selfie game. We still have to work on it but we'll get there someday.

Carousel 🎠
I think we might be getting better at this whole couple selfie thing.

In May, I caught the sunset any way that I could and I managed to keep a succulent alive for over a month! And so begins my addiction to succulents.

I'll take the sunset anyway that I can get it.
I've had this little guy since March and it's still alive! 🎉

In June, I got my first iPhone. Of course, the first shot I took just had to be a sunset.

Back in June, I got my first iPhone. Of course, the first shot I took just had to be a sunset.📱

We also had two of our nieces come to visit. Lots of going out to dinner and out to the movies.

Wait.  Picture purfect!

In July, I found my new favorite movie theater. Dinner and a movie all in reclined comfort.

Dinner and a movie all in reclined comfort. I think I found my new favorite movie theatre. 🎬🍴

Our new dining room table also arrived. It's the first table we have ever bought.

August 2, 2015

In August, we went shopping for a new front door.

Front door shopping...🚪

And in September, it was installed.

In celebration of getting a new front door, I decided to try a Kneaders Vanilla Chai Latte. I found it to be a bit too sweet for my liking. ☕️

September had some beautiful sunsets.

Sunset swirl 🌀

October was spent taking care of Cleo. She had been sick since January and just wasn't getting better.

Warmth ☀️
This is one of the last photos taken of my sweet Cleo kitty. Sadly, she passed away the middle of November.

Sadly, in November, I said good-bye to my sweet Cleo kitty.

August 1, 2015

And because I fell in love with succulents, in December everyone got one for Christmas.

Succulents in the kitchen 🌱

One of the highlights of the year was during the Christmas/New Year's holiday. My sister came home for a visit and I finally got to meet her boyfriend. The four of us (and my brother) all went bowling. I had the best time!

Bowling buddies

Other years in review: 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009


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