Someone was not very happy today.
Someone had to go into the little blue pet carrier, go outside and take a drive to the vet.
Someone did not like it.
That someone could either be me or Cairo the cat, take your pick.
All I can tell you is that she TOTALLY hated it! She yowled from the moment she went into the carrier until she heard the vet unlock the front door of the office. I have never seen her get herself so small either. She jammed herself into the back of the carrier and had to be dumped out. You would think she would be used to going to the vet. Maybe that is part of the problem. She KNOWS what goes on at the vet. Poor thing had to get poked and prodded and was not very cooperative.
Back into the carrier she went and as soon as we were out the door, she picked right back up with the yowling. We are now waiting for some medicine that is only available in Europe to get here so she can finally be cured. I sure do hope this medicine will do the trick. Please keep your fingers crossed that I am able to give her this medicine without too much trouble. She is so hard to get medicine into.
June 28, 2007
June 27, 2007
Float On
I was not too happy with the hubby last night so I treated myself to a movie. I finally got to see the movie, “Knocked Up.” This is the movie that B and I tried to see on Sunday but it was sold out. I was surprised at how many guys were there. Alone. Without a girl to drag them there. I think there were more guys in the theater than girls and there was one guy down in front that just would not stop laughing. It was too funny. The laughing guy and the movie. I think B would like this movie too so I have not told him yet that I already saw it. Maybe he will want to try to take me to the movie and I can see it again. :)
And on to the continuing eBay saga…
I am sorry to say that it looks like I have been the victim of fraud. I am so upset at this eBay seller! After 26 days of no item (28 days now), I finally submitted a claim thru Paypal. The seller immediately sent PayPal the shipping label and so now, I have to wait for a determination. I sure do hope that Paypal contacts me so that I can give them all the info. I also submitted negative feedback and guess what? I was promptly contacted by another gal that purchased a Silhouette from this eBay seller. It seems that so far there are 3 of us that seem to have been scammed. I can tell you though, it does make me feel a teeny bit better that I am not the only one that is going thru this mess. Keep your fingers crossed that I get my money back.
June 24, 2007
I did not end up going to the movies on Friday, so B told me that he would take me today. The movie I wanted to see has been out for awhile so we were surprised to find out that it was sold out when we tried to go and see it. I guess it is more popular than we thought. Although, I could have sworn that the person in front of us bought tickets to this very show. :( We usually got to the first showing and get there early in order to get a good seat. This time though, we went to the 2nd showing. That will teach us! I guess we will try again next week unless I get to go sometime this week during the day.
Today, we had also planned to go and see an apartment for rent. The place we went to see has 2 openings. One will be ready next week and is larger and the 2nd one needs work and will be ready in August when our lease at our current place is complete. The 2nd apartment is a bit smaller. I am not looking forward to going from a 2-bedroom to a 1-bedroom but these places are nice. Oh and they have free laundry! We really liked the larger apartment and the guy is willing to save it for us for the entire month of July! We are so excited! I really want to be able to move the week before our lease is up but it will take a bit of convincing to get B to agree. I also have to figure out how to store all my scrap stuff in the one closet…and where will the cat litter box go? And will B really let me decorate or is he just saying that? LOL! Lots and lots of things to think about. Lots of de-cluttering will be happening in the next few weeks. Anyone want some old scrapping supplies? Anyone want ½ priced Mary Kay?
p.s. ~ the picture is from a t-shirt I bought Ducky for his birthday. Isn’t it the coolest thing? Now I just need to get a picture of him wearing it.
June 21, 2007
Suds, Scrapping & Stuffiness
Yesterday was laundry day. I seriously have not done any laundry for quite awhile. It is not as if I have needed to wear my clothes anywhere since I just hang out at home. I usually just wash B’s clothes for the week and that is it. I like doing laundry but I don’t like that we have to pay $2.00 to wash/dry a load of clothes. My mom has suggested I go and use her washer/dryer until we find a place that will allow us to have our own. I LOVE my mom’s washer. What would usually be 2/3 loads in the laundry-mat washer is just one load in my mom’s washer. I seriously washed so many clothes it was awesome!
Since my parents have a cable Internet connection, I had planned to read blogs and just surf around online. I did not remember that it was summer vacation. Want to know what a 15-year-old does all day? Yep! He rarely even moved.
So it was a good thing that I had planned a backup solution on how to spend my time. I scrapped. Yes, that is right, I still had my scrapping bag packed from my night out with the Divas and so I just took it with me. I even managed to crank out a page. But sadly, even my mom commented on how slow I scrap. LOL!
I am happy with how this page turned out. It is a bit plain but it is done. This is boy #2. I think this is the first page I have ever scrapped with just him. If I thought it was hard to get pictures of boy #1 ~ it is even harder to get pictures of this one.
Today was not as good as yesterday. I woke up with a stuffed-up head and was quite achey. Not even the Sudafed I took helped to clear me up. Of course now that it is late at night, I am feeling much better. Don't know why that always happens. Hmmm maybe that little bit of a nap I took earlier is to blame.
I hope I feel better tomorrow since I think I will treat myself to a movie.
June 20, 2007
That's no moon.
Last Saturday night I went over to a friend’s for their last movie night before their cross-country move. We watched “Star Wars” under the stars. I thought it was fun but I would have probably enjoyed it a whole lot more if it were not the last time I would see Rachel. She is my scrapping muse. I don’t know how I will learn how to scrap properly without her here.
I am getting one step closer to going to school. I met this week with the dean/administrator of the department and filled out all the school paperwork. I had went a couple of weeks ago and tested out of as many courses as I could. They kept telling me that they have never had ANYONE challenge out of (and pass) so many courses. I was introduced to some staff and even some current and former students. All were told about how I challenged out of so many courses. In fact the dean even listed them for all to hear. I don’t know if that is a good thing or not but it sure did make me feel good – and smart too. :) In fact I did so well with these tests that I am starting out in “Phase II” of the training and skipping “Phase I.” I have reduced the hours that I will need to take by about 300 or so. Now all I need to do is meet with my counselor and hopefully I will get approved to attend. That’s the thing that concerns me right now. They have you do all this work and fill out all this paperwork before you are even approved to attend. But, if everything works out ~ I will be starting my training on July 9th! Yay! Now I just need a car to get me there and I will be all set.
Thanks for all the ideas on how to work with my hair. I did manage to use some of B’s pomade the other day and although it is not something that will work with my hair, I kind of got an idea of how the stuff works. And thanks to Rachel (check out her new 'do), I went and bought the same product she got for her new haircut. Now I am ready to have “surf hair!”
June 16, 2007
It’s been a couple of days…
…and I am still trying to figure out this haircut thing. I am SO not used to shorter hair. And bangs? Forget it! They are WAY too short. I will just need to play with my hair a bit more. I guess getting my hair cut was more of a shock than I thought – but it was all one length and halfway down my back so this is quite a bit of a change. I think once I dye it and give it a couple of weeks I will LOVE it. At least now it has a style and I know B likes it. It is also much cooler with these 106+ degrees we are having.
Thank you for all the great comments on my new ‘do. Maybe you all can help me. How do I get these bangs NOT to feather? How do I get them to be sideswept to one side? I so need “bang lessons!” Can you help?
June 13, 2007
1/2 the hair
I now have ½ the hair that I had when I woke up this morning.
It has probably been over a year since I last had it cut. I now have layers (I think) and bangs. I finally got the courage to go in and get and get it cut and I did not even cry. Of course, I tried not to look at my Uncle’s empty station or any of the pictures. It is hard having someone new cut my hair. One of the newer ladies to the salon (she started 2 days after the funeral) cut my hair. I like her. She talks a lot. I had envisioned getting a different haircut, but when I went in today, I just let her cut it. Now I just need to cover up the grey and I will be all set.
And now to my eBay saga…..
So….you want to know how to get an eBay seller to respond to your email? Send an email with the wrong item number. LOL! I had emailed the seller a few more times asking for the tracking # for my purchase. She NEVER responded. I sent another email the other day and somehow the wrong item number was attached. Well that sure did get her attention. She responded today. She said she was confused and wanted to know if I had multiple eBay names. She also stated she had the tracking # for my purchase. I also received a PayPal shipping confirmation today. It states that my package was mailed out today. What a liar this seller is. The one and only email she had sent to me before stated that my package was mailed on June 7th ~ last week! I just knew she was stalling me! I will be sure to avoid any of her auctions in the future.
June 12, 2007
It's about time!
With the twins celebrating their 3rd birthday this past week, it is about time that I scrapped their 1st birthday party. Now I just need to scrap last year’s and then I will be all set to scrap this years photos. Of course, this is just for the twins. I still have to scrap all the other boy’s birthdays.
When they were younger, it was so easy to scrap just boy pages. Then little Anna came into the picture and I am still learning how to scrap girl pages. Now I have to say I have hit a scrapping block. The cause? Teenage boy pages. How the heck do you scrap teenage boy pages and not make them too cutesy? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the layout I finished the other day. {Sorry for the blurry scan and the white on white background.}
Supplies used:
Cardstock: Bazill
Stickers: American Crafts
Chipboard, paint, brads: Making Memories
Buttons: SEI
Stamps: PinkSugarPop
Zig marker
Other: ribbon, buttons
June 11, 2007
Dark clouds, why must you tease?
June 9, 2007
That had me rolling! Good thing I saw that cell phone commercial or else I would not know what he was talking about!
On Friday, two little somebodies turned 3!! I cannot believe that the twins are 3 years old! I am actually in the process of scrapping pictures from their 1st birthday right now. I think I need to speed up on the scrapping though or else I will be scrapping these pictures when they turn five!
As for my eBay purchase. I am not too happy. I sent the gal 2 emails. She responded to the 2nd email I sent saying she was mailing the package that day (8 days after payment) and that she would send the tracking number ASAP. Well I don’t know what ASAP means to her but I still have not received that tracking number. Is this normal? I have never experienced this before on any eBay purchase. Of course, I have never spent $300.00 on a eBay purchase before either. I would have thought the least the gal could have done was email me after the close of the purchase just to let me know what was up. I sent her another email tonight asking for the tracking number. Let’s see how long it takes for her to respond.
June 6, 2007
A couple of Yay's and a Boo
Yesterday I had a wonderful surprise. My page made layout of the day over at CMK! Not only is there a thread on the message board to discuss it but it also is spotlighted on the main page of the site.
I am super excited! It sure did make my day.
Today, I went to take some challenge tests to see if I can skip certain modules/courses when I go back to school. I know I passed two of the tests so far, but I have to wait for the others to be graded. I am going back tomorrow to take even more tests. Wish me luck! I am looking forward to going to school but it still kinds of bothers me that I will not be getting any type of credits for the courses I take. However, after my course work is finished, I will be able to participate in an externship and get the job experience I need.
On the way home, I stopped by the Michael’s down the street from the school. I wanted to see if they had the Studio G clear stamps. I am so happy to report that they sure did!! I got all of the sets in the pink series ~ well I think I got all of them. I even had a second set in my basket with the intention of maybe selling them on eBay but I thought it would probably end up being too much work for not too much of a profit and put them back. Last week there were only a couple of auctions for these stamps but when I look today there are tons with no bids so maybe it was a good thing that I did not buy them.
I am a bit bummed though. I purchased a QuicKutz Silhouette off eBay exactly one week ago. The payment was taken out of my account immediately and I have received NO communication from the seller! I sent an email yesterday asking when it shipped and she still has not responded. I wonder if I should send an email every day until she does. What bothers me is that she re-listed the same item the day after my purchase but I notice that a lot of people seem to do that even though the item has already received feedback. I checked her feedback the other day and she did actually get a one recent negative. The complaint was that it had been two weeks and item had not shipped and no contact from seller. Of course, she has received other positive feedback comments after this one and they all state that communication was good. I would think that one day should have been enough for her to answer yesterday’s email. Don’t you think?
June 5, 2007
June 3, 2007
Don’t Know…Beets Me!
That’s the name of the new polish I bought last week. Don’t you just love it?
I don’t paint my nails all that often but I sure do love to buy nail polish. I don’t know why. My nails don’t grow long and I always where shoes. But, now that I have been spending most of my time at home, I have been looking at my toes a lot more lately. And let me tell ya…they are not much to look at with nothing on them.
I have never bought any bright colors before but something in my mood lately had me wanting to buy something pink. Something BRIGHT pink! And this gorgeous color is what I came home with.
June 2, 2007
It was a Scrappay night...
…and all thru the store the sound of scrapping could be heard.
Last night was awesome! The Scrappay Divas got together for one last crop before one of us moves away. We had a great turnout! Even baby Phin joined us and let me tell ya…he is such a cutie!
I even got one page completed. Yep! One page. Let me tell ya though…one page is awesome for me. Especially when it is totally completed. Everyone liked it, B on the other hand – not so much. But hey! What do men know? I will have to scan and share soon.I think the pages I was totally awed by were the 6x12 pages that Rachel (with the help of baby Phin) was working on for her vacation album {for those that don’t know…that is a 12x12 layout cut in half ~ See…how smart I am? LOL!} I sure do hope she posts these pages because they are so awesomely fabulous!
After finding the magical “skinny” wall in the store, we all got our picture taken. Of course the wall does not work when you are the one being made to stand in the middle of the group. Here is a picture of all of us: Lisa, Sam, Me, Amber & Rachel. Such fantastic scrappers all!
And check out Scrappin’ Rambo Rachel! {hmmmm maybe this will get her to comment on my blog ~ LOL!}