Now what kind of blogger would I be if I did not blog this last day of the year? This eve of the New Year?
I never really get excited about the beginning of a New Year. The days will pretty much be the same after the New Year begins except I will become another year older and I will need to remember to write 2008 on my checks. But in a way I am kind of looking forward to the new year. I hope that it is much better than the last 365 days. Not that 2007 was all bad but major bad things ended up happening that have changed how I live my life. My Uncle’s passing did make these recent holidays hard, as it will all future holidays. Losing my job has thrown me for a loop. I am still not working but I am getting to the point where I really need to find at least a part-time job. Starting school was another big change. I have always loved school and learning something new is always a bonus. I miss seeing my old friends from work though. No one really stays in touch and that is sad. The husband was in a car wreck and the kitty got sick. So much happened I cannot even remember it all. One bright spot of 2007 was that it snowed. Now that was cool! Oh and “The Move.” How could I have forgotten about “The Move?”
This New Year should bring some interesting changes as well such as starting a new job and hopefully attending my 20th high school reunion (Man! I am old!).
The husband and I are home tonight. We have never really been ones to go out on New Year’s Eve. We will probably be asleep way before the clock strikes midnight.
December 31, 2007
The last day
December 30, 2007
i be lazy
What can I say?
This entire holiday break consisted of me being just plain lazy. I am running out of days and all the things I had planned to do over this break have not gotten done. I am not in the mood to go back to school. Not yet.
I cannot believe that tomorrow is New Years Eve. This year is almost finished. I am really looking forward to a new year - one with much better changes than what happened in 2007. I have never felt that way before. I always took things as they came but let me tell you...2007 is a year that I will not forget. So much happened this past year that I am surprised that I did not lose my sanity.
I was exhausted when this picture was taken. To read the reason why, click on the photo and it will take you to the story.
December 23, 2007
There's no place like home for the holidays...
I cannot believe it is the day before Christmas Eve! Wow! Christmas is here!
So are you all ready? The poor husband is out shopping right this very minute. Hopefully he finds something quickly and comes home without being super stressed out. Especially since he is shopping for my gift. All the other gifts have been purchased and I need to spend this afternoon wrapping them all up. I am only going to wrap them but let the husband do the bows. The husband and his Mom have a war going to see who can tie the better bow. I am sure this year will be quite interesting.
Last night we watched the movie Stardust. Have you seen it? I thought it was a cute story and even made me laugh. Thumbs up on this one.
December 18, 2007
It's almost Christmas!!
I cannot believe there is only a week until Christmas. I have so much to do this week that I am sure it will just fly past at an alarming rate.
I was not feeling well at all yesterday (Monday) so I left class early and headed home. I started to feel a bit better by the evening. I did have to run out and return the present that the husband bought for his mom. The mall was crazy! I did manage to find a super close parking spot but still had to walk to the other side of the mall to make my return. I managed to buy my mom something and I picked up the husband’s gift. He always knows what he is getting so I am NOT looking forward to wrapping it but I want something nice looking under the tree. When I bought his gift all the geeky boys in the geeky store (did I mention it was a geeky boy store?) ran over to watch me make my purchase. They were drooling and sad that they never got to see one out of the box. It was all too funny really.
Today, I am back in class and trying hard to concentrate. Lots of people asking for my help so I have been pretty distracted. I skipped lunch in the hopes of leaving a bit early today. Plus it is freezing in this room! Not just the everyday regular freezing I complain about but the actual A/C is on! And it is winter! Calls have been made since Friday (when it started) to complain but nothing has come from it. In fact today it is even colder!!! Who needs the air conditioning blowing when it is less than 60 degrees outside! Crazy I tell ya!
So how is your Christmas shopping going? Finished yet?
December 16, 2007
Have you seen the movie, "I am Legend?" Did you like it? I want to see the movie but I am trying to decide if I should see it in the theatre or just wait until it comes to video. If you have seen it, do you think it is worth it to wait?
It is getting down to the wire with Christmas shopping. The husband went out today and bought gifts for his parents. One which I will have to return tomorrow (or sometime this week) since it is a duplicate. Hopefully, I can return it since it is a book. Are books returnable? Wish me luck as I brave the mall. Yikes!! I still have to buy my gift for said husband and for my parents. I never go to the mall but this year I am out of luck as it seems that is where I will be purchasing all my gifts.
So tell me...which picture do you like better? Color or Black & White?
December 14, 2007
Snowmen like it cold...
...but I do NOT!
It is freezing in the classroom and the Café is closed. :( No coffee today. Of course I really do need coffee today.
This morning started out with having a flat tire. I made it to a gas station but had to ask if they even had an air pump as it was hidden. I am so glad I did not have to keep looking for one and that the one I did find was free. Free is always nice.
Today is a short day of school. I did manage to take a major test today so it’s all good. Now I just need to decide on what I want to work on next.
Yesterday the husband and I drove to the mall to buy a gift for the boy (aka the oldest nephew). The store did not have what I wanted to buy him so we had to drive all the way across town to a different mall that did have it. Yay! Another present purchased. That makes two! LOL!
After the mall we stopped at Best Buy. The husband really wants a PSP3 but they are not backward compatible. They don’t play PSP2 games. He has been doing a ton of research and I guess that he will be able to play some of his PSP2 games on the PSP3 but only if he buys the most expensive (80GB) and he may have to download some game emulators to make it work. We keep hearing that there was a 60GB version that played everything but Sony has discontinued that version. :( It is times like this that it really bugs me how the large companies steal our money. Not that it doesn’t bug all the other times. They make 2 versions of a game system but you cannot play your old games unless you buy the more expensive model and then with that one it is a maybe. Bad, bad, bad move.
This kind of reminds me of what one of the local scrapbook stores here in town does. They offer a reward to those that spend the most in their stores. There are two levels, (Silver & Gold) depending on how much you spend. However, the store cannot tell you if you have spent enough to have reached one of the levels. We will call it the “special club.” So if you make the “special club” one year and spend the same amount of money the next year that does not mean you will be in the “special club.” I got a postcard in the mail that stated I was $100 away from reaching Gold status (which is the highest level). It told me that I needed to spend this amount before the end of the year but that even if I did spend this amount that did not mean I would reach Gold status. Gold status is dependant on the amount spent by their super best customer. So you get those with tons of disposable income coming into the store and jacking up the amount we have to spend in order to get even a little bit of benefit. I can spend thousands in that store and still not make it into the “special club.” I was there a month or so ago and a lady was just throwing stuff on the counter. When they told her she was already at $250 and she was still piling things on the counter, I walked away. It did not help my mood any to see her waving around a Gold status coupon. Must be nice to have that much money and get a huge discount because of it.
Okay. I really did not want this post to end up being a gripe. Just a couple of things I have been thinking about lately.
December 12, 2007
* Foggy
My drive this morning was quite interesting. The city was covered in fog so thick you could only see a car if it was right in front of you. Forget seeing any of the stop lights. I had no problems driving to school but let me tell you…those that drive in fog without any headlights are idiots! They were also the ones that were driving fast and changing lanes. Except for those idiots, traffic was not bad; I think it was the best driving day so far.
With all my school work, I have not been keeping up to date with all the holiday preparations. I did not plan on sending out any Christmas cards but the hubby started bugging me about them. He only wanted me to send out a couple so that is good. I decided to just send cards to a few family members and those that sent me one last year. Can I tell you that I mailed babies of this morning! I am so excited! I am so ahead of the game. I usually don’t send out our cards until the week before Christmas and I am sure everyone gets them a few days after the holiday. I may send out a handful more (like to friends) but I am not pushing it.
Our tree is decorated but the Christmas storage boxes are still out and the tree is looking a bit bare. Usually it is in a corner and we don’t decorate the back. This year, we have to decorate the entire thing. I think we need more ornaments.
Took two (2) tests yesterday, today…not so much. I had planned to complete a couple but only took one. Some of these sections are quite larger than I anticipated. I met with the instructor today and it appears that we will have to submit an extension in January. :(
So tell me, what do you think of this picture? I posted it to my stream but I guess no one likes it. :( I knew I should have picked that other picture.
December 11, 2007
* It's wet - wet - wet!
It is quite wet outside and oh so chilly.
It has been raining since I left school yesterday. The hubby had quite a hail storm outside his work and so I had to drive over and pick him up. I did not drive thru any rain the entire way and when I got to his work, the huge storm was already over. Once we got home, it rained and it is still raining. I am not used to the rain so it is quite exciting. Of course I am inside (without a window) so I am missing it. I REALLY want to see the snow capping the mountains but they are covered in clouds.
Yesterday, I was able to take one test. I now just have to wait for it to get graded. I have two that I am waiting on and one of them was the hardest test I have had to take yet. At least it was the last one on that particular subject matter (ICD-9).
Now I am off to take another test. Wish me luck!
December 10, 2007
brrrrr…it’s cold outside!
It is finally starting to feel a bit more like winter. I like that. Now I can wear my nice soft and warm sweaters. Tonight the mountains around town should get even more snow and we should get even more rain. It was quite foggy this morning while I was driving to school. Yet we had to turn the A/C on this morning. Go figure!
Speaking of school…
I am supposed to be in class for 30 hours a week. I cannot complete a section until I test out of it and that can only be done in class. There are also sections that can only be completed in class (and not at home). On Friday, we got kicked out of class early because the hours have been changed. Too bad no one ever mentioned the change in hours to either the students or even to some of the staff. I was not a happy camper to have to leave early. I have my class days all planned out and I was unable to complete the sections I had planned. I now also have to change my entire weekly schedule to accommodate the change in hours. Since I am already at school 9 hours a day (plus a little over 1 hour drive time), I really don’t have a way to fit in any additional time. Plus each month, the department seems to close earlier and earlier. I am so not a happy camper.
On a brighter note…Candy Cane Hershey Kisses! Need I say more?
December 5, 2007
* Just one of those days
Today did not start out very well. The hubby and I had an argument and so I was not in the best of moods when I got to class.
There is one lady that bugs the heck out of me (and others). She was in the little side room where I sit with 3 other people today. She has a seat in the main classroom but for some reason she feels she can only study the medical stuff in our little room. When I got to class, I noticed that the chair I use was missing. This chair is not a regular classroom chair but an office chair. It was adjusted to fit me. This lady was sitting in my chair. I did not say anything to her but she finally overheard me looking for a chair to sit in and made a comment that she did not know it was mine. Hard to believe considering it was at a desk with my full name on it and she moved it down the row. So she gives it back. She had changed EVERYTHING about the chair. All the settings (height, angle, etc) were changed. I was SO not a happy camper. Not only did I have to readjust everything, but the chair reeked of smoke and she only sat in it for a short while. In fact the ENTIRE room smelled so bad today. I just had to mention it to the instructor. I found out later in the afternoon that I am not the only one that found it to be a problem. Other people in our small room complained as well. This is also the lady that yelled at the instructor when the instructor was helping another student. Let’s just say she has issues.
I did hear today that one of the gals in my class already got offered a position for a job. She is barely into her 2nd week of her externship. I am so happy for her. I hope that I am just as lucky.
December 3, 2007
* drained
I am happy that this Monday is pretty much over. It was such a weird day. I really had problems concentrating and pretty much felt like I was in a fog the entire morning. Everyone else I talked to felt pretty much the same. Just one of those mornings I guess.
I ended up taking 2 coding tests today. Boy they are getting harder and harder. I really had wanted to complete more than 2 sections but it takes over an hour to complete each section and no less than one hour for the test. The coding final is even worse. The instructor says that some people have taken 2 days to complete. The gal who sat next to me took the ENTIRE day (8+ hours) to complete hers. I am NOT looking forward to that.
Here's hoping that Tuesday is more productive.
December 1, 2007
* Wool is itchy
I am so glad I don’t have to wear it all the time. Well I don’t have to wear it ever, but I have such a pretty sweater and it was so cold and rainy yesterday that I just HAD to wear it. It rained the ENTIRE day yesterday. It was 100% chance of rain and that is just what it did. It got really bad around midnight with huge gusts of wind and hard pouring rain…then it stopped. Just like that.
Today it looks a bit dryer outside but I have only briefly glanced out the window. I hope it stays dry so I can do some laundry.
Thank you to all that took the time to comment on my last post. I appreciate the words of encouragement.
My instructor has been on vacation this past week but I did see her briefly on Friday. I mentioned again how I did not have enough time and I think she realized that I was supposed to be on a faster track. She mentioned that we could probably do an extension but I really don’t want to have to do that. See… once I am finished with this program, I can then look for a job. I REALLY want to go back to work. I NEED to go back to work. My unemployment also runs out in January so I am SUPER motivated to finish. I took seven tests last week and I hope to crank out even more next week. Lots of subjects I still need to cover.
On a much better note…
Remember my eBay saga?
I can finally say that it is finished! YAY!
I had purchased a Silhouette from an eBay seller and she took off with my money. Well she did not actually take off because I did finally talk to her on the phone. She said she felt so bad about the whole situation and in the same breath kept bragging about how much money she just made selling Tupperware and did I want to buy some Creative Memories from her. I don’t really trust someone when they tell me they do not have any money to pay me back but then tells me she just made $600.00.
PayPal would only return $200.00 of my purchase and when I submitted a chargeback for the remaining $99.00, PayPal just ignored it. eBay also ignored all claims. But I am happy to finally say that after many phone calls and emails to the bank, I finally found a $99.00 deposit in my account the other day. Happy times!!!!!
November 29, 2007
I have come to the realization that I am running out of time to finish all my school work. I actually came to this realization back in September when I received my first review.
My instructor wants every student to complete one chapter a week in Medical Terminology. However, there are more chapters than I have weeks. I also have many other subjects that I still need to complete. By testing out of most of the course's lower subjects, my time in class was reduced. I have to finish all my coursework by the first week of January. It does not help that we are off of school the week of Christmas/New Years. I also have to find a place to do my externship. Oh and then there is getting ready for the holidays. Stress is good right?
November 20, 2007
*mirror mirror on the wall*
I always thought it would be cool to have a twin. But then when I really think about it....she would most likely be prettier than I, smarter than I, and a lot more popular. Since I pretty much feel that way about everyone else BUT me, why would I need a twin for that?
I am finding it very hard to concentrate this week and it is ONLY Tuesday. Well I think it is Tuesday. I don't remember because I cannot seem to focus. My school work is suffering as well.
I don't know if it is because this week is a short week and underneath it all I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving or if it is something else. I just cannot put my finger on it.
Maybe it is because there is a new toy waiting for me at home. Who knows.
All I know is that I don't like feeling like I am in a daze the entire day. Maybe because we hit a record of 88 degrees yesterday and it is November and it should not be THAT hot. Maybe I just need a nap. Goodness knows the entire box of chocolate I just ate did not help any.
November 18, 2007
It is weird how out of touch you can be when you stay away from the computer. I have not touched it in days and because of that, I forget what day it is. LOL~ It really does feel nice though. It was a nice break.
Nothing too exciting going on around here. The highlight of my weekend was taking my car in to emissions. It passed. I always breathe easier after the test is finished. Not that I expected my car to fail, but it is a test after all and I never know how well my car has studied before hand.
I also stopped by one of the local scrap stores to check out the new Creative Café. I really was not impressed. I bought a couple of felt pieces but that was about it. It really is quite pricey. I guess it is supposed to be a make-n-take station but this store is just selling the products. I spent $10 on 3-yards of felt ribbon and 7 small die-cut felt pieces. I cannot believe I did that!
Today B and I went to do a bit of grocery shopping. The first store we went to was a mob scene. Being the weekend before Thanksgiving we should have realized it would be crowded. B wanted to buy a Butterball turkey and it was too expensive at Fry’s. They wanted $1.29/pound {with card}. It was their most expensive brand. So, we decided to buy the turkey at Albertson’s where my mom bought hers. What a difference! That store was practically deserted. Their prices are higher on things but they were selling Butterball turkeys for .99cents/pound {no card needed}. We are planning on going to my family for Thanksgiving but B always likes to buy our own turkey so we can have left-overs. Nothing beats left-over turkey!
November 12, 2007
The all-in-one creative update
I keep mentioning that I would share current pages and I never got around to it. So here it is. The all-in-one post. Much more creative and upbeat than my posts of late.
Here are a some of my most recent Scrappay Divas challenge pages:
Scrap an Object
Supplies used:
Bazzill - cardstock & flower
American Crafts - letter stickers
Dollar Tree - foam letters
Heidi Swapp - ribbon
This is a picture of one of B’s fancy dinners.
Stamping on patterned paper
Supplies used:
Basic Grey: patterned paper, chipboard, tag
Autumn Leaves: brads, flourish stamp
Making Memories: paint
Doodlebug: gem
Colorbox: chalk ink
I really liked this challenge. I finally used my flourish stamps and the stamping actually looks like it is originally part of the patterned paper.
And I also wanted to share another page that I did just for the fun of scrapping but it seems like Blogger is not being very cooperative. :(
So until next creative!
November 7, 2007
Last night and this morning have been quite hectic. I think I have had my fill of stress for the entire month.
B picked me up from class late last night because the car was over heating. He had to stop to let it cool off for a bit. Of course this is the day he also had the cell phone and it was left at home. We had problems before with the car overheating and it was due to the relay switch for the fan not turning on. The car heats up while it is stopped and usually cools down while it is moving. B wanted me to drive and even though I prefer to drive, it was hard not to get stressed out with B freaked out that the car would explode at every stop light. He did not want me to stop for anyting. I can tell you I did NOT enjoy the drive home.
This morning was also stressful. Today B has a couple of job interviews. The first one was at 9am and I have to be at school at 8am. We left a little early this morning in order for B to make it to his interview on time. On the way to school we got stopped by a train. A very LONG train! A very LONG and SLOW train on a rarely used track. We were stopped for a good 10 minutes or more and we decided it would be better to just drive back home (we were already more than half-way to school). We got home in time for B to go to his interview and then we drove me back to school. I had all these plans of taking lots of tests this morning and now I don’t really see that happening.
On a good note…
B was offered a job from this morning’s interview. YAY! Now he just has to see if he gets an offer from the other interview (it is a callback (2nd) interview). If he takes the first offer he will start tomorrow. :)
November 6, 2007
See this picture?
It is such a silly little picture. However it has now become my most popular photo on Flickr. It is even more popular than my ankle picture. It has been invited to a group and even gotten a couple of kudos. How cool is that?
My home computer has been having issues. The main issue is that I still have dial-up. Go ahead and laugh. I will wait.
At least I have XP on the thing. I won’t tell you how long it took me to upgrade. Well if you are a regular reader of my blog you already know.
I have been having problems downloading my email at home and it has made me grumpy. I think it is finally working now though. I hate that it takes so long to do things though. However since I don’t have $50+ to spend on an Internet connection, I will stick with my $20 dial-up.
This week I am trying to test out of as many packets as I can. All my lessons are set up by packets/chapters. I work at my own pace and test when I am ready. I have been working on insurance packets. Insurance is confusing and boring. How does anyone ever understand Medicare?
November 5, 2007
Time moves so quickly
What a waste of a weekend. I think the antibiotics I am on have made me feel worse than before I started to take them. The doctor has me taking 2000mg a day for what she “thinks” is the start of a sinus infection. I spent all day Saturday in bed except for a few hours to watch Torchwood and a movie. On Sunday I did manage to get myself out of bed but I never got dressed and just sat around the house. I got NOTHING done.
Today, of course I am much better. Isn’t that the way it always goes? I guess I cannot get too upset about getting sick over the weekend since I did not have to miss any days of class.
Speaking of class….I am starting to stress that I won’t finish in time. Who am I kidding? I have been stressing all along. I am supposed to be finished completely (with Internship) by the beginning of February. That means my class work needs to be finished by the beginning of January. The goal is supposed to be one med-term chapter a week. I have a lot more chapters than I have weeks.
November 1, 2007
spinning round
The room is spinning. Yikes!
I finally broke down and decided to get my ear checked out. It was starting to bother me. I was dizzy and it felt like I had water in my ear. So yesterday I went to Urgent Care where I wasted 3+ hours and $100 to be told there was nothing in my ear. That is what I had feared. I was given antibiotics and I started those last night. I decided since I had missed the entire morning of school that I would just stay home. I am happy that I did because as the day wore on I just felt terrible.
This morning I woke up feeling a little better but I am still dizzy. I came into class today and I hope that I make it through the day. It is hard to concentrate when the room feels like it is spinning.
So that is where I am right now. Probably starting a sinus infection and dreading getting out of bed in the morning.
I did want to let you all know about a lot more interesting stuff – like one of my silly photos being really popular, some layouts I never shared and that Blogger finally now offers comment emails. But that will have to wait until AFTER I have some coffee. Maybe that will slow down the spinning. Ya think?
October 28, 2007
I did something stupid
I think I have something stuck in my ear. I say think because at first I just KNEW that I did, then B got me thinking that maybe I don’t. So now I really don’t know. Sometimes my ear feels different and sometimes it doesn’t. I don’t know if I am imagining it – ya know?
I have no way of knowing for sure. I sure did wish I knew of someone that could just look into my ear for free. I don’t want to go to the ER and then be told that I have to pay hundreds for them to tell me that nothing is in there. Being poor sucks!
October 23, 2007
I had the most terrible dream last night and I have not been able to shake it all morning. Usually I cannot remember my nightmares. I only find out that I have been having one when I wake up screaming, kicking and hitting. I usually even end up jumping out of bed. Only a select few remain in my memory. The ones that don’t make me wake up screaming. The really bad ones. I have had a couple of unsettling dreams lately involving members of my family and I am starting to get freaked out by it.
October 21, 2007
Please send scrapping vibes...
Lots of fun scrapping contests going on this past weekend. Lots of “Croptoberfests, if you will.”
I had hoped to participate in a few but my scrapping mojo is a bit low right now. Still, I checked out the challenges and started to look thru my photos. I had great intentions of at least scrapping one page, but I had a problem finding any “fall” type pictures. Nothing too “fall-y” when it comes to the desert. I could not even find any non-fall type pictures that I wanted to work with either. I have not ordered any new photos in quite some time and I am a bit bored with these old photos I have on hand. I really should scrap them but I want new ones to play with. Maybe next month I will be able to order some. I keep saying that but I never seem to have the funds when I want to order some.
So…..I walked into the closet where I store my scrapping stuff and ended up rearranging instead. I moved a few things around and cleaned up the huge mess that some call “ribbon.” My ribbon is now taking up 2 drawers instead of one. I really need to do something about that. I really don’t even use ribbon all that much. All my paint is now just sitting out. I don’t know yet if I want to put it back into a drawer or have it sitting out so I can look at all the pretty colors. I may just rotate what I leave out for inspiration purposes.
Oh and look!!!!! This 365 photo was chosen as someone’s fave. Which is super cool since this is my favorite photo at the moment.
October 19, 2007
faved again
Lots of stuff happening around here and most of it is not really all that great. :(
The one thing that I have brightening my days at the moment is my 365 project. Someone chose this photo as one of their faves and I know it is silly but it sure does make me giddy that someone likes my photo enough to choose it as a favorite. :)
October 12, 2007
I've been faved!
I started the 365 challenge for me. My pictures are not fancy or super-involved – they are just me – for me. Just as with my blog, I get super excited when I get comments on my self-portraits. I have even gotten some new contacts. Contacts that are people I don’t know. I got an even nicer surprise the other day. Someone added these 2 pictures to their favorites. I guess someone really likes my hair. Better than my foot, I suppose. :)
October 11, 2007
it's been weird
It has been a weird sort of week. I think I am finally over being sick. I am SO happy about that. I missed class on Tuesday so I had to come in to class toay, on Thursday. I am so used to having this as my day off so it is weird being here today. I was already confused as to what day it was - so now I am REALLY confused. I have just been really out of it.
I never shared the layout I did for the Scrappay Divas challenge from September. It was the challenge to color on your page. This is what I came up with:
Here is a close-up of the coloring since you really cannot see it in the scan:
October 5, 2007
Love Today
Nothing is better than some Mika/Scissor Sisters action early in the morning. You can’t go wrong when a song has laser beam sounds in it. LOL! It was just what I needed to get myself started this morning. Well that and the coffee and bagel action I had for breakfast. So now I am ready for a full day of learning. Actually, I am ready to dance in the car again but I will save that for the drive home.
They gave out awards again yesterday (my day off). I got the award for fastest typist in September ~ 75wpm. That is 2 months in a row that I got this award. I don’t remember last month’s (August) speed so I need to check and see if I improved any from the previous month. I do know that I already have hit over 80wpm for October.
Darn! I just got back a med terms test and I did well on the test portion but noticed the teacher had not graded the spelling portion. Now I am sorry I mentioned it to her. I did not do well on the spelling on this test at all. I am embarrassed at how bad I did. I hate when I miss a word by just one letter. Darn that choledocholithiasis! At least I don’t have to retake the test.
October 4, 2007
We bought a lamp.
Since today was B’s last day of vacation and we are both feeling a bit better (although I am still pretty stuffy) we decided we had better go out for our anniversary date. Only a week late but it still counts, right? We didn’t make it to the movies but we did have a nice early dinner. B got his king crab legs and that is all that matters. LOL! He really does love those king crab legs and he has me hooked on them as well. They were yummy but I think we had just a bit too much salt today. Poor guy has to go back to work tomorrow and I know he is not looking forward to it. Good thing I only have class for a few hours tomorrow. It will be nice to get home early.
After dinner, we stopped by Target. We went in for tissues and of course came out with much more. While wandering around the store, we found a lamp we had looked at before on sale for $13.12 down from $52.49. Talk about a deal! It is a large lamp, which is what we had wanted, so I am happy. It looks pretty good in the living room too.
Now if only I could breathe so I could get myself to sleep tonight. I get so jealous watching the cats sleep that I always have to go and wake them up!
October 3, 2007
9 6 3 = YUCK!
I promised to share a picture of how small the type is on my 10-key exercises. Well here is the best I could do. For someone who wears glasses (and even those who don't), it is WAY too small. My hand is so tired. My poor ring finger has been forced to do things that no ring finger should ever be made to do. Ouch! I don’t think it has ever moved so much and I took piano for 13-years. I have not even attempted my 10-key exercises today. I am having enough trouble trying to get a good timed typing done.
Today is another stuffy day. I can handle being sick. The one thing that bothers me the most is being stuffed up. I hate not being able to breathe. I always have a fear that I am going to suffocate. Nothing seems to work either. I am looking forward to not having school tomorrow.
October 2, 2007
How can it be October?
Today my cold has hit me full force. Very stuffy around these parts. I sure do hope it does not last long. I don't think I have ever sneezed so much in my life. B is trying to avoid me saying that he does not want me to get him sick. HELLO?!?!? He was the one that got me sick in the first place. I told him that giving me his cold was the sweetest anniversary present ever! Actually he got me Knocked Up for our anniversary (the movie that is). LOL!
I am working on my 10-key today. I know how to type 10-key by touch, but now I have to learn how to do it using the correct fingers. LOL! My fingers are getting tired. It doesn't help that the type on the exercises is so small. I really do need to take a picture and share.
September is over (how did that happen?) and I finally updated all of my August 365 shots. I have a dream of not being a month behind when it comes to posting my pictures. I don't even know what day I am on since I am so behind. It helps in a way though. I see the photo a month later and if it is a bad one, it no longer bothers me. ;)
Here is a funny for ya! See the foot photo from August 1st? Can you believe that is my most viewed photo ever on Flickr? Unbelievable!
So here is what I looked like during the month of August. August is when I started school so the pictures should at least be a bit more appealing than when it was me just dragging myself out of bed. LOL!
October 1, 2007
This past weekend was B's and my 10th anniversary. I cannot believe it has been 10-years ~ it has only felt like 5 minutes. 5 minutes under water!!! LOL! (now that funny is courtesy of my mom).
We had plans to go out and do something but B was sick so we just stayed home. Now, B is feeling better and I am the one that is sick! He has the week off of work and I have to go back to class. It is not just allergies either. I HATE being sick. It has been a LONG time since I have had a cold. I just hope it is over quickly since I cannot miss any days at school. What makes me feel even worse is that I don't even have the car in case I want to go home early. B is on vacation so he dropped me off this morning.
I guess I am just in a foul mood all around. I did not wake up on the good side of the bed this morning.'s post brought to you by the letter "d" as in duodenum!
September 23, 2007
scrappy goodness
I have been a busy girl. A busy scrapping girl.
This weekend I met with a couple of the Scrappay Divas to crop. It felt good to get out and do something creative. I actually even finished a page. For me that is an accomplishment. Just a simple page but even the simple ones seem to take me forever. I think the most time spent on this layout was looking for the perfect shade for the title. Thanks to Amber, who found the PERFECT shade of green paper or else I would have been wandering the store the entire night.
Last week’s Diva challenge was to use a billboard for inspiration. Here’s my layout for the challenge. The billboard I used (and the other Diva layouts) can be found on the Scrappay Divas site. I had fun making this page. I LOVE when scrapping is fun. It makes me want to scrap even more. I think actually having a dinning room table is helping just a bit as well. Have I mentioned recently how much I love our new place?
September 17, 2007
Thanks *Ü*
I really appreciate the comments I have received regarding the calendar I made for my 365 day photos. Actually, I appreciate all my comments. It really makes my day that you took the time to say something about what I shared.
Thank you.
Those that commented wanted to know how I made the calendar. I posted the instructions on how I made my calendar in the comments on that post. You can read the steps I took to create it – here.
September 15, 2007
Back in 2001 when B and I made a trip to Skagway, Alaska, we stopped at the Skagway Brewery Company. B ended up buying a t-shirt that became a favorite. It is now 6-years later and the shirt is finally kaput! I have looked before to see if I could buy another shirt online but everything I found told me that the gift shop was not online and I guess in 2002 they shut down the brewery. Our 10th anniversary is coming up and I thought I would try again to see if I could find him another t-shirt. From what I have come across so far, it looks like the place may be open for business again; but all the phone numbers I have found are different. It would really be a miracle if I ever found him another Skagway shirt without having to travel there to get it.
Well, Torchwood is on. I missed the first ½ hour when it was on earlier so I guess I had better get myself to the T.V.
September 13, 2007
The Diva's are back!!
It has been awhile but the Scrappay Divas are back!
Come on over to the Scrappay blog and check out our new challenges. This week's challenge is billboard inspiration. I would love to see what you all come up with. Come scrap with us! :)
September 6, 2007
It's ALL about ME!
Back in July, I mentioned this little challenge.
Well I am proud to say that the challenge is going great. I guess I really do like myself so much that taking a picture a day is just my thing. LOL! Of course, I started in July, it is now September, and I have barely finished uploading my July pictures. As with everything else in my world, procrastination is rearing its ugly little head.
So, without further ado, here is a little snippet of me and my world from July. Enjoy.
If you would like to see them up close and personal you can visit my 365 Flickr set.
September 3, 2007
simple scraps
As you can see....I made a card. Just a simple card for my Dad's birthday.
I have tons of projects that are "in process" at the moment so it feels good to actually finish something. It feels even better that I used up some scraps for this card. I told myself that I will only use my scraps when I make cards. That way it does not hurt so much to give them away.
September 1, 2007
It is starting to feel like home
Sunday, B's parents will be coming over for dinner.
So, today I finally put out the knick-knacks and photo frames. We have been here a month, so it was about time that I made the place a bit more homey. I am not finished, but it will do for now. At least the shelves are no longer bare and the pile they were in is gone. I hope to get more decorating and some cleaning done tomorrow before our guests arrive.
B has been working the past few days on making homemade sauce and other goodies. It really has smelled quite yummy in here. I can’t wait to see it all put together. Forget see, I can’t wait to eat it! I am so excited that we finally have room to entertain. I really do love our new place!
August 30, 2007
Access made me do it!
Yesterday, I was so tired and distracted. I was not very productive in the learning department but I did get a lot accomplished in the doodling department! LOL!
I just could not concentrate at all and I was so happy when it was time to go home.
So far today has been spent washing dishes and stalking my neighbor for the washing machine.
August 28, 2007
plas/o: formation, development
Don't you hate when you take a test and you write down an answer and you are sure that the answer is correct but you decide to change it anyway? Then you get your test back and find out that your original answer was correct? I think this is the only time that getting 99% is not good thing. LOL! Man! I could have got 100%!!!!
August 26, 2007
It feels great when you can spend time doing something you love to do.
I decided not to do any cleaning this weekend and starting digging thru my scrapping supplies. I am a bit rusty but it felt good starting to scrap again.
I was distracted by the installation of my Silhouette.
Which then...
Got interrupted because B wanted to put some more boxes in storage and I had to go rescue some things before they got put away forever. Once, he was done being fussy, I got back to playing with my Silhouette…..and that is about it. I think all my scrapping mojo left me at that point. It must have been poking out all the little holes that did it. Hopefully, since I left out all my supplies, I will be forced to finish this page sometime this week.
August 21, 2007
"You do good work!"
That is what my instructor said to me while grading one of my last assignments. It made me all giddy inside. :)
School is going well. I am doing extremely well (so far) on my tests. To the point that I think I made another student cry. I felt really bad. Today, the teacher came into the class to hand me my last medical terminology test and made a big deal about me getting 99% on it. Go ME! A bit later she came back in and gave the other gal her test. After that I heard sniffles. When I came back from the restroom, the other students in the room were talking about it but hushed up when I walked back in the room. A bit later she mentioned her test and that she had to re-take part of it. Hopefully next time the teacher will just put the test into my folder instead of making an announcement. Especially if the others did not do so well.
I also got to test out of another course. One of the required courses is Business English. I had wanted to test out of it but was told that no one is allowed to. I took the pre-test and received an email stating that I did so well the instructor wanted me to come in and just take the post-test. I did that today and officially tested out of Business English. Just one less course for me to worry about. :)
August 12, 2007
Time sure does pass quickly when you have a reason to leave the house for the day. I cannot believe it has been a week since I last updated.
School is going well so far. The courses I am taking are not like traditional courses. They are all self-paced. I work off of packets. When I finish a packet, I take a post-test. Then I think there is a final test for each course. I am not sure yet. It is all pass/fail. This week, I worked on MS Word and Medical Terminology. I already completed one Word packet and took the post-test. I got 100%!! I should be finished with the 2nd Word packet on Monday. I also finished the first packet (chapter) for Medical Terminology. I took the post-test for that on Friday. I think I did okay but there were some terms that I am sure I did not answer correctly. I am worried that I did not do too well. I hope to find out on Monday (tomorrow).
On top of being busy with class-work, I have spent my days off this week, (Thurs & Sat) getting this house in order. I have finally found a place for all the toiletries (the new place does not have as much storage) so that cleared out a couple of boxes. I can officially say that the bathroom is finally all unpacked! It is such a nice large bathroom (compared to the old one where you could not even close the door, it was so small). It is nice to have the counter all cleared. The only boxes left to unpack are my scrapping supplies and my sweaters (which will stay in the box for quite awhile).
Saturday, my brother and sister came by to visit and check out the new place. I was SO excited! I have not seen them since my sis came for a visit (she was living in France) back in March. It is so awesome being able to have people over. At the old place, I hated to have people see how icky it was. I am looking forward to having lots of visitors now that we are living in such a nice place.
Today was a lazy day. B and I basically did nothing. We watched a couple of movies; The Hills Have Eyes 2 (which sucked) and Shooter (which was actually pretty good). B went out to get us some take out for dinner from Mimi’s Café. It is so nice to have one close by to our new place. Time to go – 4400 is on!
August 6, 2007
...and it is only Monday
Today was a long day and I sure am tired. I woke up to hear B telling me that it was pouring outside. Our new place is constructed so much better than our old place that I cannot even hear when it is raining outside. Today was the day I started training so B had to walk to work in the pouring rain while I got to take the car. I felt so bad. We don’t even own an umbrella. He said it was okay though and since he has not complained about it this evening, I guess I have to believe him.
This morning, I opened up a fresh pair of contacts for the occasion and they ended up bothering me the entire day. I think wearing contacts makes me even more tired than I should be, especially when I have to stare at a computer screen all day. Tomorrow may just be an eye- glasses kind of day. I hope that it won’t rain.
Each day we have to take a typing test. Only 5 mistakes allowed. No problem, I tell myself. This is the same test I took (and passed) to test out of the course. The only difference is we are NOT allowed to backspace at all! I did not realize how much I backspace and how much my fingers hit multiple keys (I did not realize just how fat my fingers were, I guess – LOL!). I think I may have been nervous but also the keyboard is much higher than I am used to. No matter what the reason, it took many many attempts (I lost count) to even get a decent page to turn in. I think tomorrow I may be more at ease and it should not be so difficult for me.
I have my work cut out for me that is for sure. Do you SEE the size of that medical terms textbook? That thing is HUGE!! I need to read the first chapter but I am afraid I am going to fall asleep. I don’t think I will have any problem falling asleep tonight. I am almost tempted to just go to bed right now. Actually now would be a good time to have a slice of that cherry pie I just baked. :)
August 5, 2007
C is for Coasters
We bought coasters. We are pretty excited about buying coasters. How sad is that? LOL~
Tomorrow is the day.
My training starts tomorrow and I am so excited. I am even looking forward to getting up early. Well I say that now but I will get back to you tomorrow and let you know how it went. I am SO not a morning person. LOL! I have a feeling that B and I might be fighting over the bathroom in the morning. I just unpacked the alarm clock. Good thing I remembered. I hope that I am able to get to sleep tonight. Maybe I should cover up the clock so that I don’t keep waking up to check the time.
My only fear at the moment is that the numbness in my fingers will keep me up like it has been all week and that I won’t be able to type tomorrow. :(
I think that the babies are fitting very nicely into the new place. I sure wish the highlight of my day was how long I could take a nap. I have to admit though…the new furniture sure is comfy, no wonder all they do is lay all over it.
August 4, 2007
The Move ~ The final chapter
Wednesday, B went to the walk-thru of the old apartment. I felt so much better about the way I left the place when she told him that our Apartment was cleaner than some that have lived there a year and we were there 7. I guess I may have over cleaned a bit. We may even get some deposit money back.
While B was gone, the cable man came to hook-up the cable. We were told since this place had not had cable in over 10-years we needed a technician to come out. Well we found out that the people who lived here before had cable but they just were not paying for it. Darn! I wonder what cool channels they had. LOL!
Within the same hour, our new bed and new couches arrived. I really do like how the couches look and B was right that they would not look so yellow once we got them home. I was so looking forward to sleeping on the new bed but after only a couple of hours I woke up in pain. I have had problems in the past with my hands/fingers and feet going numb. This night both my arms were numb and it hurt so much it woke me up. The numbness went down on one arm but persisted in my right arm and hand. In fact, the fingers on my right arm are still numb today. It feels like my fingers are going to explode!
We are getting used to the new place and I know that B loves it as much as I do. I even don’t mind that the dial-up speed is ½ of what it was at the old place.
August 3, 2007
The Move ~ Part II
...and the story continues...
One of my biggest gripes with this entire move is that B kept changing his mind as to when he wanted us all moved into the new place. No problem but he would not tell me and so I would be working on my schedule of getting us all packed and out of the old place by a certain date and come to find out he wants to move a day or two earlier. My schedule got all out of whack!
Monday, B’s friend came over to “help.” He was supposed to help move all the left over boxes. Everything was packed up except for the bathroom and some of the kitchen. I was in the process of cleaning out the fridge and needed to wash all the Tupperware etc that I took out of the fridge. I was working in the bathroom upstairs when I heard packing going on in the kitchen. B’s friend had started “packing” the kitchen. I had no idea what was going on downstairs. I did not even go down to look. I did find out later that his friend packed up all the dirty dishes and his idea of “packing was to put a glass inside a Tupperware bowl and then wrap it in saran wrap (or kleenix or paper towels). At least we had a good laugh when we were unpacking the stuff but now I am out of paper towels and plastic wrap.
B was a little touchy (and super tired) and ended up leaving in a huff. Yeah Monday was just not our day. I took the cats over to the new place and went back to finish up. We did end up staying the night at the new place, which was nice. I don’t know if it was tiredness, achey bones or just being old but it sure is hard getting up off of the floor when you sleep on those air mattresses.Tuesday, was the last day to be out of our old place. B packed up the truck with the last of the boxes and I was cleaning the place from top to bottom. Right in the middle of loading the truck, we were hit with a huge storm. B decided to drive the boxes over to see if he could beat the storm but no such luck. I guess it was one of the worst storms so far to hit this season. Everything got soaked! The boxes literally disintegrated! They fell apart when he was bringing them into the house. A lot of the boxes held foodstuffs and made a mess, some also held dishes and scrapping stuff. As you can see, it all ended up in a pile in the kitchen.
It took me ALL day to clean the old apartment. I didn’t want the management to have any complaints. We had lived there about 7-years and did not plan on cleaning the carpet so I just vacuumed it. But, I did end up wiping down ALL the walls. Those Magic Erasers are awesome! The only other thing I did not clean was the oven but I was SO ready to get out of that place! I was bothered though that we were told we HAD to finish the cleaning before the office closed for the day since the walk thru HAD to be on the last day of the month. Come to find out the manager took the day off to spend at the spa.After cleaning, B loaded the one sofa on the truck that was going to my parents and we drove over to deliver it and return the truck. I have NEVER been so tired! My mom made enchiladas which I am so thankful for as I had not eaten all day.
I am covered in bruises and my ankles were SO swollen. But, it was worth it to be in our new place.
August 1, 2007
The Move ~ Part I
I think I am finally starting to catch my breath!
I have NEVER done so much before in so little time. We were able to start moving in some things a day earlier than we had planned. So, on Friday, we brought over 2-car loads. I was able to bring over most of my scrapping supplies which now I am glad that they came over first thing.
Saturday, I still had use of my mom’s car and was able to go early in the day to drop off another load of stuff. My parent’s flight was supposed to come in at 1:20 and they called to tell me is was on time and to pick them up at 1:30. I headed over to the airport at 1pm ahead of super dark storm clouds. When I got to the airport about 25 minutes later the storm had hit at home and it was a doozie! I had not heard from my parents and so I drove up to baggage claim to see if they were waiting. They were not and I was not even able to stop to see if they were walking out. Security will not allow anyone to stop at all unless your entire party is ready with all baggage – they must be standing at the curb. I was told that I needed to just drive around the airport until they were ready. It was sprinkling by this time. I drove around the airport (along with many others) 4 times until I decided to just drive to a nearby hotel parking lot to wait for a phone call. I am glad that I did since the rain starting really coming down. I finally got a call from my parents. There were here but still on the plane. Because of the storm, the tarmac was closed and they had to wait until all lightning was gone. They sat on that plane for over an hour! What was supposed to be a quick trip ended up taking hours. My poor dad was so nice to get the truck and hand carts ready for me while the rain poured down. I finally got home and continued my packing.
Sunday, B’s parents came over to help us move the big furniture. B and his step-dad really worked hard at moving all the heavy furniture. My in-laws and B made many trips back and forth while I stayed home and packed and moved more stuff down the stairs to have waiting for them. I did get to make a trip over with all the computer stuff and it was nice to get out of the apartment. I still had some things left to pack and B was not too happy about it. The entire day was just so confusing. My packing did not go the way I would have liked. I had it all planned out but then B would want me to stop and start packing something else (or help him with something) and then he would complain that I had not finished packing what I was working on in the first place. He would tell me not to bother looking thru things to throw them away and just throw them in the boxes but then he would tell me that I should not take it all with me. Am I the only one confused by that? I was not too happy with him. He was exhausted though and quickly fell asleep– me on the other hand, I stayed up and went thru the last closet and threw out tons of stuff. Even though I was so tired, I had problems falling asleep. An air mattress on the floor is not very comfy for sore bodies.
July 31, 2007
Never Ever!
I will NEVER ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER move again!!!
July 27, 2007
Can I just say one thing?
Humidity sucks!!!
There, now that it’s out there I feel much better.
I am NOT used to humidity. The desert is supposed to be a dry heat. I thought I was going to just lose it today with the high humidity. I ran some errands and I was SO happy to have my Mom’s car and her super cool A/C. Too bad I could not just sit in the car all day. It was just an icky feeling day.
We were lucky to be able to move in a few things into the new place tonight. It was really nice having 2 cars. I packed up all my organized scrapping supplies and and then some. It had been threatening to rain all day and as I drove, I watched the lightning and the super dark grey wall of rain head my way. I thought it was going to be Stefani against the rain and I had a feeling that I was not going to win. Especially since, I had all of my scrapping goodies to unpack.
I got to the new place with no rain and even managed to unpack the car without a drop hitting. It was sure easier (and faster) to unpack the car then it was to pack it. Maybe the stairs and having to carry it out to the parking lot vs. parking RIGHT in front of the door (under the carport) and having the one-story had something to do with it. I managed to kind of organize it all before B showed up with a 2nd car load of stuff. I am going to miss having the 2nd car when we “really” get to moving this weekend. My parents return from their trip tomorrow so I have to leave in the middle of packing to pick them up at the airport and return their car to them. :(
I am so tired. I woke up so sore this morning and I hope that the same thing does not happen tomorrow. I still have so much left to pack. I want to try and make another run out to the new place before I have to jet to the airport. Hee hee! I said “jet!”
…oh and the rain? It didn’t even hit us.
July 26, 2007
July 23, 2007
Sunday was a busy day. B’s mom had offered to buy us a new mattress and some end tables from Target. What we got was a new bed, new end tables AND new couches and none of them from Target. I finally have a coffee table! We had planned on getting my in-law’s old couches but we found such a good deal, B’s mom decided to get us new couches. The color is not one that I would have picked but B likes them so we went ahead and got them. They will all be delivered to our new place next week. Since we won’t have to take most of the large items with us, it should be easier to move.
In my attempts to put like items together when I pack them, I found yarn I did not even know I had. I guess I hid more items than I thought. Awhile back, in an attempt to organize my yarn and yarn projects, I bought a big storage container. It is so full right now and I still have more yarn to put into it. Right now though, all my yarn is in plastic bags and tossed in the container. I think if I took the stuff out of the bags, it would all fit but I found that this container does not seal well and I don’t want the yarn to be ruined. It is not expensive yarn but I am sure I can still make something out of it. Some of the items are also projects-in-process and I don’t want to spread the project around.
I still don’t know how I am going to pack up my scrapping supplies. At first, I was thinking that I would just keep the supplies in the drawers and take the drawers to the new place with the stuff still in them. Now I wonder if it would be better to throw everything into a box. I had hopped to reduce my scrapping supplies before the move but that is just not going to happen.
I really do appreciate all the packing advice everyone is leaving in the comments. My goal is to throw out items that I have not used but that is easier said than done. I HATE throwing things out if I think I can find a use for them. And that is the problem, I think I can use them but I never end up using them. I am going to try my best but I am sure I will still end up packing things that should have been tossed. I hope that if there is not a place for them at our new place, I will throw them out when I unpack.
July 20, 2007
YAY! I got the call I was hoping for. My training was approved! I am so happy. I just hope we can survive while I am going to school.
I just have one more meeting to attend before I start my training but it is just a formality. As of now, I can just concentrate on getting ready for our move. For the past three days I have been doing nothing but throwing stuff out and organizing a bit to make it easier for the move. I am looking forward to some different furniture. Although the furniture is not even close to our style I really do appreciate B’s parents giving us their old things. We will be getting a set of couches, a new mattress (YAY) and a new table. A WOODEN table! Since my in-laws will be giving us their old table, we no longer need the one we have. I am SO happy that I finally get to throw out our table. I have hated it since B bought it 14 years ago. It is round. It is glass. To me it is just the worst ever! I was able to drag 2 of the chairs down to the dumpster today and another is currently sitting outside. Tomorrow, I will drag that one and it’s mate to join the other 2 at the dumpster. I am already doing the happy dance! :)
I don’t really have that much moving experience. I would really appreciate any advice you all have.
July 17, 2007
Today I turned in all my paperwork in order for me to go to school. Now the waiting begins. My request has to go to committee, which only meets on Wednesday. However, for some reason my case-worker is not going to send it to committee until next week. I hope that the committee will approve it and I can start school in a couple of weeks.
So now that I no longer have that stress looming over me, packing can begin in earnest. But now I have a new stress. It has to do with our new place. We loved it the moment we saw it and since we know someone that lives there the guy was willing to hold it for us with our deposit. We mentioned to him that we would need to get together closer to our move-in date to sign the lease. Today, the guy who owns the property came into B’s work and B mentioned that we would like to meet with him to sign the lease. He told B that he does not work with leases. Now I am freaked out. He never told us this when we first mentioned the lease. I really don’t want to move into a place without a lease but I also don’t want to be out $600 either. The person we know that lives there has been there 4 years so far without a lease and has no complaints. My better judgment says to find another place but B wants us to keep this place. So, I guess we will be moving next weekend into our nice and newly updated place with no lease.
July 16, 2007
Today was another HOT HOT day. I cannot believe this heat! I feel so tired after just a few minutes outside. I think it was also humid so maybe that is what is doing me in. Tonight we had a nice bit of a storm. It started just as B and I were running out to run a quick errand. Big ‘ole drops of rain but only for a short while. It was gone by the time we got back home ~ maybe 10/15 minutes. Since we got wet the A/C in the car sure did feel good. :)
This afternoon I took my parents to the airport. They will be traveling the entire month of July. They just got back from one trip on Friday and will get back from this trip on Thursday. Then they leave again next week. I would LOVE to have so many places to be, although I have a feeling they will be pretty tired when they get back. I teased them by telling them they will be back just in time to help us move into our new place. ;) I am happy they are traveling though since I get to borrow my mom’s car while she is gone. Yay Me! LOL!
I do have some update news on my eBay scam. PayPal only guarantees $200 so that is all I am able to get back. This person gets to keep my $99 and that really bothers me. I have submitted a chargeback on my card but was told that since they will go after PayPal to get the money, that I probably will not get it back.
I have a very important meeting tomorrow that has been rescheduled 3 times now. I still have to fill out the paperwork. I don’t think punching out Basic Grey letters and tags should be what I am doing right now. Oops.
On another note. Cairo kitty is done taking all of her medicine. I think she is cured. I need to dig thru her litter box to find out and I am not looking forward to that at the moment. There is one thing that bothers me though. I think she may have some neurological issues from taking the medicine. Hopefully they will go away now that she is no longer on it. She is having problems with her balance.
July 15, 2007
I have been so tired lately. I can barely make it thru the day sometimes. Kind of hard to get things ready for our move when I don’t have the energy. That is right, we are moving in less than 2 weeks! I have so much to do and I don’t know where to start. Well I have kind of started but what I have done has not even made a dent. Today B packed up a lot of stuff in the kitchen that we won’t need to use. You know, all the stuff that hides up in the cabinets. I really wanted to do it but I am glad that he was the one to do it. I do not know what I am going to do with all of my craft stuff. B really does not want me to take it all with me. Maybe I can sell my stamps on eBay, but that would require me to actually spend time getting things listed. So much to do and so little time.
I just wish I knew what was making me so tired. So, I took a test ~ nope, that was not it. I think I am kind of bummed about that too.
Looks like a quickie storm is starting to blow thru. I guess I had better get off this computer.